1 |
Akij Shipping Line Ltd. |
15-Sep-2022 |
https://www.akijshipping.com |
2 |
Bangladesh Oceangoing Shipowners' Association (BOGSOA) |
15-Sep-2022 |
http://www.bogsoa.net |
3 |
East Coast Group |
15-Sep-2022 |
https://ecg.com.bd |
4 |
Chittagong Chamber of Commerce & Industry (CCCI) |
15-Sep-2022 |
https://www.chittagongchamber.com |
5 |
Sonali Bank Ltd |
5-Apr-2022 |
https://www.sonalibank.com.bd |
6 |
Bangladesh Institute of Maritime Research and Development (BIMRAD) |
4-Dec-2019 |
http://www.bimrad.org |
7 |
Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur |
20-Sep-2019 |
https://brur.ac.bd |
8 |
Patuakhali Science & Technology University |
12-Sep-2019 |
https://www.pstu.ac.bd |
9 |
Noakhali Science and Technology University |
8-May-2018 |
http://www.nstu.edu.bd/ |
Purpose: The purpose of this
Memorandum of
Understanding is to set forth the terms by which both BSMRMU would receive
educational and research support on different fields from the Institute of
Administration and other related departments of science and arts faculties
of DU as
may be agreed upon by both the universities to facilitate educational
for the students of BSMRMU at its formative stage. Responsibilities: Each party to this Understanding agrees
cooperate in the following areas: (a) Academic Exchange and Academic information Exchange. (b) Participation BSMRMU and DU Programs. (c) Faculty support:
(d) Development of joint scientific and/or technological research projects
10 |
Institute of Water Modelling (IWM) |
19-Apr-2017 |
https://www.iwmbd.org/ |
- PURPOSE. The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is to set forth the terms by which both BSMRMU and IWM would receive and exchange educational and research support in different fields of higher education specially on coastal zone management and water modelling as may be agreed upon by both the parties.
- RESPONSIBILITIES. Each party to this MoU agrees to cooperate in the following areas:
- Academic Exchange and Academic Information Exchange. Both parties will explore the prospects for development of academic exchange programmes. This will include exchange of academic curricula and syllabi, publications, treatises and research papers, followed by joint arrangement of seminars, symposia, conferences and workshops.
- Participation in Each Others Programme. Each organization commits to provide participant places for experts, teachers and students as may be agreed upon by both the parties. Each party will undertake to provide qualified applicants and secure funding to support the participants sponsored by the concerned party/parties.
- Faculty Support by IWM. IWM will provide faculty members on a short term/ long term basis for the purpose of co-operation in research, teaching and other scholarly activities on mutually agreed terms and conditions.
- Development of Joint Scientific and/or Technological Research Collaboration and Publications. Both parties will collaborate in joint research projects and publications where practical and feasible.
- IWM will provide faculties to develop the suitable courses to BSMRMU.
- FOCAL POINTS. The focal points for the implementation of this Memorandum of Understanding shall be:
- Dean, Faculty of Earth and Ocean Science, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University, Bangladesh, 14/6-14/23, Pallabi, Mirpur-12, Dhaka-1216 (and the permanent campus once established).
- Executive Director, Institute of Water Modelling, House No-496, Road No-32, New DOHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka-1206, Bangladesh.
- OTHER PROVISIONS. Any expenses incurred by either institution under this MoU shall be the sole responsibility of that institution, unless otherwise specified separately. BSMRMU will provide honorarium to concern expertise as agreed mutually by both the parties.
- DURATION OF AGREEMENT. The MoU shall come into effect from the date of signing by both the parties and its duration shall be of 03 (three) years, after which any extension or amendments may be made, as agreed by both the parties.
- TERMINATION. Either party, upon 180 days written notice to the other party, may terminate this Understanding. However, arrangements/activities/programmes already undertaken under this MoU will continue till such commitments as may be agreed upon by both the parties hereto.
11 |
Dockyard Engineering Works Limited |
11-Apr-2016 |
https://dewbn.com/index.php |
Purpose: The purpose of this MOU is to set forth the terms
by which BSMRMU would receive educational, workshop/internship and
research support on different engineering and maritime fields from DEW as
may be agreed upon by both the parties to facilitate educational
opportunities fro the students of BSMRMU.
Responsibilities: Each party to this Understanding agrees
to cooperate in the following areas:
(a) Seminar/workshop/Conference.
(b) Training/Visit.
(c) Internship.
(d) Use of Workshop Facilities.
12 |
Bangladesh University of Professionals |
29-Mar-2016 |
https://bup.edu.bd |
Purpose: The purpose of this MOU is to set forth the terms
by which BSMRMU would receive educational and research support on
maritime, engineering, business and other related Affiliates, Faculties,
Departments, Libraries, Research Laboratories, facilities and
establishments of BUP as may be agreed upon by both the parties to
facilitate educational opportunities for the students of BSMRMU at its
formative stage.
Responsibilities: Each party to this Understanding agrees
to cooperate in the following areas:
(a) Academic Exchange and Academic information Exchange.
(b) Participation BSMRMU and BUP Programs.
(c) Faculty support.
(d) Development of joint scientific and/or technological research projects
13 |
Jahangirnagar University |
27-Mar-2016 |
http://www.juniv.edu/ |
Purpose: The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding
is to set forth the terms by which BSMRMU Would receive and research
support on different fields from the Institute of Business Administration,
Faculty of Law and other related departments of science and arts faculties
JU as may be agreed upon by both the universities to facilitate
educational opportunities for the students of BSMRMU at its formative
Responsibilities: Each party to this Understanding agrees
to cooperate in the following areas:
(a) Academic Exchange and Academic information Exchange.
(b) Participation BSMRMU and JU Programs.
(c) Faculty support.
(d) Development of joint scientific and/or technological research projects
14 |
Khulna University |
7-Sep-2015 |
http://www.ku.ac.bd |
Purpose: The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding
is to set forth the terms by which BSMRMU Would receive educational and
research support on different fields from the Management and Business
Administration School, Fisheries and Marine Resource Technology, Science
Engineering and Technology & Technology and other related School of
science and arts faculties of KU as may be agreed upon by both the
universities to facilitate educational opportunities for the students of
BSMRMU at its formative stage.
Responsibilities: Each party to this Understanding agrees
to cooperate in the following areas:
(a) Academic Exchange and Academic information Exchange.
(b) Participation BSMRMU and KU Programs.
(c) Faculty support.
(d) Development of joint scientific and/or technological research projects
15 |
Military Institute of Science and Technology |
16-Aug-2015 |
http://www.mist.ac.bd |
Purpose: The purpose of this MOU is to set forth the terms
by which
both parties would receive educational and research support on different
fields as
may be agreed upon by both the parties to facilitate educational
opportunities for
the students of each other.
Responsibilities: Each party to this Understanding agrees
cooperate in the following areas:
(a) Academic Exchange and Academic information Exchange:
(b) Participation BSMRMU and MIST Programs.
(c) Faculty support.
(d) Development of joint scientific and/or technological research projects
16 |
University of Dhaka |
8-Jul-2014 |
http://www.du.ac.bd/ |
Purpose: The purpose of this
Memorandum of
Understanding is to set forth the terms by which both BSMRMU would receive
educational and research support on different fields from the Institute of
Administration and other related departments of science and arts faculties
of DU as
may be agreed upon by both the universities to facilitate educational
for the students of BSMRMU at its formative stage.
Responsibilities: Each party to this Understanding agrees
cooperate in the following areas:
(a) Academic Exchange and Academic information Exchange.
(b) Participation BSMRMU and DU Programs.
(c) Faculty support:
(d) Development of joint scientific and/or technological research projects
17 |
University of Chittagong |
21-Jun-2014 |
http://cu.ac.bd/index.php |
Purpose: The purpose of this
Memorandum of
Understanding is to set forth the terms by which BSMRMU Would receive
support on
educational and research matters from different departments of science and
faculties in general and marine science in particular of CU, as may be
agreed upon
by both the universities to facilitate educational opportunities for the
students of
BSMRMU at its initial stage.
Responsibilities: Each party to this Understanding agrees
cooperate in the following areas:
(a) Academic Exchange and Academic information Exchange.
(b) Participation BSMRMU and CU Programs.
(c) Faculty support.
(d) Development of joint scientific and/or technological research projects